Monday, October 26, 2009

Tactical Highlighter #5

Here's some awesome stuff for you to check out. Love it, adore it, and send some money their way if you're able.

  • Drabblecasts's Annabelle's Alphabet by Tim Pratt. This is a pretty dark urban fantasy, and you shouldn't listen with kids around. Violence and child abuse specifically.
  • Escape Pod episode 214: Sinner, Baker, Fablist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast. What if you could change your entire personality and sex by changing masks? What if it was a method of controlling society? Dun dun DUN! Fair amounts of sex and violence in this one. You have been warned.
  • If you're looking for less ... salacious fare, you're in luck. Escape Pod episode 209: On The Eyeball Floor is just what you need. Norm Sherman from the above-mentioned Drabblecast narrates and does a very shiny job of it too.
  • PodCastle's episode 54: Dreaming Wind. They accidentally had two readers for this one. I listened to Rajan Khanna's version, though aside from different readers, they should be identical. This is a fairly surreal story ... to the point where they put a warning on the episode for anyone who wanted to protect their kids from surrealism. That boggles my mind, but I'll ignore it. Listen to this story. It's awesome.
  • Eight Unstoppable Rules for Writing Killer Short Stories. This is about a year and a half old, and showed up on my beloved io9 before I knew anything about them. I don't think this post is particularly profound, but I think it's a critical starting place. If it helps you, great. If not, then forget about it. And that's a piece of advice you should apply to every piece of advice you ever get. Speaking of io9, Bedtime Stories for the ADD: #4 was originally about them before it took on a life of its own. I am a seriously ridiculous fan-boy.

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